Click here for a printable copy of this policy.
Classroom Request Form for Student Organizations
Registered student organizations may request use of classroom space from 8:00pm to 10:50pm Monday through Thursday, from 5:00pm to 10:50pm
on Friday and from 8:00am to 10:50pm on Saturday and Sunday.
This excludes dates during the first week of classes, final exams week, campus holidays, and breaks. Space is not guaranteed and is assigned upon availability.
Requests for four or more rooms (three if requesting for 100+ seats) must be scheduled on weekends.
Use of this space shall be in accordance with established UCSD policies and procedures and additional policies listed below.
Requests must be made a minimum of three full business days in advance (not including the day of your event) to allow time for processing.
All requests must be submitted via this website. We cannot accept requests via phone, email, or in person.
The Scheduling Department will send you a Request Processed confirmation email one week prior to the event date
(If your event is less than one week from your request date or if it is during the first few weeks of the quarter
your confirmation email will be sent 48-72 hours prior to the event date.)
It is the responsibility of the principal members of the student organization sponsoring the event to be familiar with and adhere to all university
policies regarding use of facilities and presentation of the event. It is further understood that space is assigned for the event only as
specified on the confirmation received. Any change or cancellation to your event must be reported immediately via this website
to the Office of the Registrar - Scheduling Department.
Use of this space shall be in accordance with established UCSD policies and procedures:
Please check each checkbox to indicate that you have read, understand, and agree with all the
policies listed below.
The organization requesting space must be currently registered and in good standing
with the UCSD Center for Student Involvement (CSI) Office.
This space will be reserved by principal members of the recognized group only.
The sponsoring organization assumes responsibility for any damages as a result of the event.
The space is made available for student organizational, business, and educational meetings only. If the general public will be invited to the event, a TAP (Triton Activities Planner) form must be completed online, and all instructions followed.
You may not charge for your event (No commercial activity).
The event will start no earlier than 8:00pm Monday-Thursday, 5:00pm Friday, 8:00am Saturday/Sunday, and will end by 10:50pm.
NO colored chalk (use of colored chalk and railroad chalk is strictly prohibited.)
NO classroom furnishings (chairs, desks, tables, lecterns, etc.) are to be removed from or added to the space.
NO food or beverages allowed in campus assigned classroom space.
NO smoking, candles, or open flames.
NO alcohol permitted (per Policy and Procedure Manual 510-1 Section XIII.)
Amplified music/sound is not permitted as academic instruction will take place in the area until 10:00pm.
The organization agrees to maintain sound levels inaudible to neighboring instruction or activities. This includes,
but is not limited to: multiple voices singing, yelling or chanting, any musical instruments or stereo equipment.
I have read and agree to follow all Policies and Procedures stated above.